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How Much Insulation is Right for Northern Colorado Homes vs Other Areas?

Living in Colorado isn’t easy when it comes to choosing the type of insulation you need for your home. The amount of insulation you require depends on the area you live in, however, in most cases that depends on the state you’re in. This isn’t the case with the state of Colorado.


Home to the Rocky Mountains, the area where Colorado is situated has three different regions that require different standards for insulation. In the colder regions of northern Colorado, as well as west of Denver and Colorado Springs, you will have to opt for a greater amount of attic insulation to be up to code. In higher regions, such as Vail or Leadville, you might need the maximum R-60 for the attic, although a minimum of R-49 is normally adequate.


Wall and floor insulation are typically the same for all three areas in Colorado, respectively R-25 to R-30 for your floors and R-13 to R-21 for the wall cavity.


When it comes to cities located in the southern and northwestern regions of Colorado, such as Antonito, Craig or Meeker, your attic insulation can typically stay around the R-49 value.


If you live in the Denver metropolitan area or anywhere east of the Rockies, for that matter, you can actually get less insulation for every area of your home. Take into consideration the recommendations made by a leading Denver HVAC company that lives in your area.  These regions are warmer, and would only require a minimum of R-38 for the attic and a maximum of the same value for your ceiling.